My Memorial day thoughts this year…. This is the first Memorial Day that really hit me. It’s the first one that hits too close to home. Last July my cousin A1C Kenneth Sturgill died while serving in the Air Force. At just 21 his life impacted so many. He was an extraordinary man at the young age of 21…… EXTRA ordinary!
I feel as though each day since his death, my life has been lived fuller. I’ve taken more risks. I’ve loved harder than I ever have. I’ve appreciated the small things more than before. My life and my mission has intensified.
He is missed everyday and there is an unexplainable hole; however, he continues to motivate, inspire and encourage 100’s around the globe that knew him.
Grown men have patched their marriages. Friends have been encouraged and moved to daily overcome PTSD and help others on their journey. Foundations have been started in his honor. New friendships have grown because his death brought people together.
He may no longer be with us, but he is still serving and his purpose lives on in others….Service before Self.
Take a moment this weekend and throughout the year to pay tribute to fallen men and women who have valiantly protected and served this great nation of ours….. Read more…