#hackeralert …… so I started my Instagram account for my company #yellowbarnmedia about three years ago. I put tons of work and strategy into it. .
Last week it was hacked and it is gone forever.
Now for those of you that want to ask if I tried to reset my password…YUP
To those of you that wonder if I reported it to Instagram. YUP
For those of you that wonder if I’ve done everything in my power to regain access. YUP.
It’s gone. Just gone. So I started another one and started ramping it up. Last night it was hacked. It’s gone now to. .
Moral of the story. Change your password often. Not just to your IG account but your email as well. .
Probably any professional hacker can get in no matter what BUT do your part to safeguard your account. .
I even reached out on twitter to see if a #whitehathacker could help…..no dice…. Read more…