

So THIS picture moved to tears each year when #timehop brings it back up. It looks just like a fun coloring project. .
I struggled with #infertility and was never able to get pregnant. There was a time a few years back that I was about to lose it emotionally. I’ll be honest, coloring was mind numbing for me. My hubs knew if I was coloring I was moments away from a cry fest. .
I felt worthless. I felt like my body was revolting. I yearned to be a mom. I just wanted to have a child in my home. .
Little did I know 5 months after this photo I would drive to the hospital to meet a little 5 lb baby fighting heroin addiction at just 4 days old. Little did I know after 7 weeks in the #Nicu he would come home with us. Little did I know right after his first birthday he would take our last name and be ours forever. .
Do you feel lonely, depressed or like a failure. Are you having a hard time coping? Let this be a reminder God’s plan is so much bigger than yours. God knew. .
I was born to be a #fostermom. He created me to advocate for children and that’s just what I did. I was a bulldog and great at it. God knew. Read more…