Some days more than others right? I’m one of those girls that never gets sick…..really never. My health insurance premiums are a joke and of course your health care never covers what you would actually use. My son and I see a chiropractor regularly and that’s what keeps us crazy healthy. Of course the insurance doesn’t cover it, BUT it’s so valuable we pay out of pocket. As I mentioned it’s very very rare that I’m sick. This is one of those times. I’ve been fighting off a crummy cough for about a week now. We do oils, chiropractic, vitamins and other healthy Holisitc stuff. It’s time to head to the doc. So today is one of those days I just need a mocha and some mascara!
No matter what this will be an awesome week. I absolutely will accomplish all i need to. Are you with me? #MondayMorning #inspiration #believe #hope #prayer #healthliving #smallbusiness #bethegood #HolisitcLifestyle #mompreneur #mamapreneur #themompreneurclub #themompreneurlife #boymom #chiropracticworks #welovechiropractic #chiropractic #essentialsoils #edensgarden #wellness Read more…