Be you no matter what. Being your true self is the easiest thing to do. Who are you at your core? What makes you unique?
I’m the crazy church, horse loving girl. That’s been my label and who I am since I was born. Of course I’ve been “different” people throughout my years like a business woman, student, partier and such but who I am at my core is a Jesus loving cowgirl. I pretty much live in my cowboy boots, jeans and a flannel. When establishing my brand for my businesses in the past I struggled with how I would “look” online. Everyone else does the pretty hair and makeup and all fancy and such….me I’m the true dark girl. When I grabbed that and ran with who I truly am, the work seemed easier. It’s who I am!
Who are you at your core?
#entrepreneur #mompreneur #themompreneurclub #ariat #ariatboots #cowboyboots #boymom #branding #inspiration #mondaymotivation #thetrueyou Read more…