So, yeah I won’t lie, those IG accounts that are all super pretty and branded like crazy, they look awesome. I am not denying that; however, its nice to see the REAL side of a business or a person. It’s nice to find things in common. It keeps you coming back.
When I see pictures of a person’s life mixed in with business info, I really want to connect. I encourage you to be professional (of course), but be sure to add in some fun from your life. You will gain and keep followers because of it I promise you!
On my account you will see my kiddo, our horses, chickens, dogs and cats along with some other fun stuff from our family outings. I have made many great friends because of this.
Also don’t forget to……. GET YOUR 20 FREE INSTAGRAM GRAPHICS RIGHT NOW——> (link is in our bio too!) #themompreneurclub #yellowbarnmedia #beencouraged #beinspired #buildyourtribe #smallbusiness #momboss #brilliantbusinessmoms #smallbiz #mompreneur #mompreneurlife #mompreneurlifestyle #businesswoman #membershipsite #marketing #marketingtips #digitalmarketing #entrepreneur #raisingbabiesandbusinesses #businessowner #entrepreneur #workingmom #fitmom #bossmom #womeninbusiness #entrepreneurlife #wahm #mombiz #momchat #instagramgraphics Read more…